The unthinkable, true chronicles of a rookie teacher and his impulsive, unpredictable herd of ninth grade boys…affectionately known as the “Hogs.” This collection of hilarious, sidesplitting tales from the ‘70’s classroom will keep you snorting with laughter and fill your heart with “Hog Wisdom.”
In this stressed-out, too serious, tech-driven world we live and work in, The Hog Farm Chronicles is a refreshing escape and a must-read for educators, students, and anyone who has ever manifested “Hog” behavior.
This funny, sad, irreverent, hopeful, painfully honest, and personal recounting of a rookie teacher’s experience with students with problems, attitudes, and needs enrolled in a non-traditional high school program should be required reading for all beginning teachers and experienced educators. Once you start reading, you won’t put it down until you finish…it will hold you […]
Dr. Don Wells, Duke University
It will not take many pages of reading The Hog Farm Chronicles to know that Allen Powell knows kids. What unfolds in this short and delightful book is the story of a rookie teacher learning from a group of kids about the mutuality of respect. As he learns to respect them for their heroic struggles […]
Kate & John
With candid wit and humor, Allen Powell dares to bring to print his touching and wild experience as a rookie teacher. Refreshing and real, we laughed as Allen tells story after story with awesome expression and care for young boys struggling with life on life’s terms. We are not alone with our trials and struggles […]
Myra C. Heath, Educator
Educators will enjoy this amazing and insightful revisit to their early years as teachers. You’ll smile and laugh out loud at Allen’s recounting of his challenging and daunting days on the ‘Hog Farm.’ You’ll enjoy seeing through the eyes of a caring and special educator while being reminded that the business of teaching young people […]
David Cox, PhD family and youth counselor Spartanburg, SC
Allen Powell’s Hog Farm Chronicles is without a doubt the most humorous and entertaining book I’ve read in many, many years. It is a “must read” for anyone ever involved in working with young people, particularly in education. BE WARNED: You’ll laugh until you cry… I did and ruined a new pair of contacts.
Sissy Henry, Exec. Dir. Georgia School Boards Assn.
I laughed, cried, and learned precious lessons in “Hog Wisdom”! Allen’s real stories are the most heart-lifting I’ve ever read. I recommend it to anyone who has ever set foot in the classroom.
Barb Orwig, Pres. & Pub. Career Comm., Inc.
Allen is a natural story-teller and the Hog Farm Chronicles, a masterpiece. His hard-learned lessons in “Hog Wisdom” should be part of every teacher’ survival training!
Joan Baraloto, Educ. Dir. USA Today
This book will lift you up. It’s a source of joy and hope for anyone working with young people today.
A Union, SC native, Allen lives in Greenville, SC. He holds a B.S. from the University of Georgia and completed graduate studies at Clemson University, the University of South Carolina, and Duke University.
A career educator in South Carolina for two decades, Allen has served as a teacher, coach, principal, and career/tech director in several SC school districts.
In 1984, while serving as the Director of H. B. Swofford Career Center in Inman, SC, Allen, Jon H. Poteat, and their dear wives, Polly and Patricia, founded the National Vocational-Technical Honor Society (now National Technical Honor Society) to bring more recognition to high-achieving secondary and post-secondary, career/tech students. Allen led the organization as Executive Director for 35 exciting years.
Today, NTHS is an international organization serving over 5,000 schools and colleges. A major scholarship provider for NTHS student-members, the Society has awarded over $3 Million in scholarships to date. (
In 2006, in partnership with a number of former SC college athletes and coaches, Allen founded the Scholastic Sportsmanship Foundation and “Champions by Choice” to recognize and award scholarships to student-athletes who conduct themselves with honor on the field of play and who maintain high academic standards. (
Allen speaks at NTHS and “Champions by Choice” events, and education, and athletic conferences throughout the US. He has published numerous educational articles throughout his career.